Moon Jury Award
Pilluarneq Ersigiunnaarpara
Jury Citation:
This year we choose to honour a film for its bravery. In this work, courageous and giving subjects open themselves up to the viewers in completely unprecedented ways. Pilluarneq Ersigiunnaarpara is a beautifully crafted documentary with so much heart. This film is surprising in firm and steady strength in the face of adversity.

Innersuaq 2020
Nivi Pedersen
Once a year the Greenlandic filmmaker's association,, awards a filmmaker that has excelled in the Greenlandic film industry in the past year. Innersuaq can be awarded to a person who has excelled in any category within filmmaking (i.e. either in front of the camera or in any function behind the camera) and in all aspects of audiovisual works (e.g. fiction, animation, documentary, filmadministration etc.).
Innersuaq can be translated to "the big fire" or "the big flame".
Excerpt from award presentation speech:
... taassumalu suliarisimasai imaannaanngillat. Inuiaqatigiinnut pingaaruteqarput assortorneqarsinnaanngitsut. Innermi ikumatitaq qamikkuminaassinnaavoq uumallu pineqartup innera inngianarsimavoq. Allaat inuiaqatiinni suiaassutsimigut atornerlunneqarsimasut assaatigut tigullugit nipimik annissinissaannut ikiorsimammagit. Naak nammineq isiginnaartitsisaraluarluni kamerap tunuani aamma piginnaaffini takutissimavaa. Tassa inuiaqatigiinni oqallisissat pingaaruteqaqisut sarsuasukkut uummartippai malunnaataaqisumik...
... and that person's work bears significance. Its importance to society cannot be disputed. For the fire within can be hard to extinguish and this person's fire was blinding. So much so that the person took the hands of people who have been sexually abused and helped them make their voices heard. Though the person has been acting before he/she also showed his/her skills behind the camera, in that the person gave noticeable life to a very important discussion in our society on screen...
(Own translation)